How Good Do You Think Randy Is?

F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) I Guess ^L_^

Question- How many guitars did Randy own, and what were they called?
Answer- Randy owned 6 guitars. The first is a Gibson Les Paul Custom. The second is his trademark Karl Sandoval Polka Dot Flying V. The Third is a white coloured Jackson V with a black pinstripe he called the Concord. The fourth is a black Jackson V is the RR1. It has a gold pick guard and wasn't used much. The sixth is a Gibson 12 string acoustic guitar.

Question- How much footage of Randy is there?
Answer- There is quite a bit of footage of Randy while he was in Quiet Riot playing at the Whiskey a Go Go music club in L.A. There isn't alot of video of Randy while he was with Ozzy. The only pro shot Concert of him with Ozzy is the After Hours Concert, which has the songs I Don't Know, Crazy Train, Mr. Crowley, and Suicide Solution. Rumor says that Sharon is hiding alot of footage of Randy, and won't give it away. 

Question- How can I get my hands on some of Randys' beautiful, kick-ass lookin guitars, and his Amp?
Answer- Well, you can find similar models of Randys' Jackson V's, and even sometimes limited edition replica models of Randys' Jacksons at you want one of Randys' Gibson Les Paul Customs, you can go to to get that Gibson in a white colour. It's really the same guitar with a white finish. Gibson is releasing limited edition, exact replica Randy Rhoads Custom Les Paul in the original colour this year due to popular demand for them. If you want Randys' Polka Dot V, you have to go to The Gibson or Jackson Custom shop on their websites, and build one off of a King or Flying V body. To get Randys' amp, I think you can only hope to find one someone is selling used off of ebay, or another website. Only 150 of those amps were made.
You can probably find each guitar on the internet that someone is selling used, and probably for a discount price.

Question- Did Randy do drugs like Ozzy, and most of the band at the time?
Answer- No. Randy did not do any drugs. He only smoked cigarettes. Maybe a roll of weed from time to time.

Question- How did Randy die?
Answer- Randy died from a plane crash. Bus driver and pilot Andy Ayecock brought Randy up in a plane to view the country, but Andy thought it be funny to buzz the tour bus where Ozzy, Rudy, and Tommy were sleeping. Andy succeeded 2 times, but on the third pass, the right wing hit the tour bus and Randy was killed instantly :(. Later autopsy revealed that Andy had traces of cocaine in his urine and Randy only had nicotine in his body.

Question- Where can I find good Randy Rhoads websites?
Answer- Well, I have a list of good websites on the Sidebar. is probably the best website to go to. Register there, and you'll know everything about Randy.

Question- How Many Bands was Randy in?
Answer- I'm not too sure. One was the Whore, but his first band was Violet Fox. He was in another band called The Katzenjammer Kids, and another called Mildred Pierce. Then he got into Quiet Riot, and then his last stop was Ozzy Osbourne.

Question- Would Randy of stayed with Ozzy if he didn't pass away?
Answer- Alot of Randys' friends, and even Ozzy said that he most likely wouldn't because he would've seeked classic styled bands after he got his degree in classic music. He may have also made his own band. He did say that he didn't want to be a rock star anymore on his way to Leesburg, Florida (Day before he died).... well, he got his wish unfortunately....

Question- Are there any pictures of Randy right before he got into the plane?
Answer- Yes. Don Airly, the bands keyboard player and photographer, actually took pictures of Randy before he got into the plane, and while the plane was airbourne. Don keeps them hidden because they are very sad photos, but he does have them.

Question- Is there going to be pro footage of Randy that is going to be released?
Answer- Yes. It's coming this year hopefully!